The Coronavirus has surprised the world, as people have had to change their way of life in accommodation to the virus. The world began searching for a sense of normalcy when everything began to change. People quickly became concerned with how sports would proceed in the upcoming season, and parents wanted their kids to be able to participate in the activities they love safely. Since football is the most popular sport worldwide, many questions arose about how this specific sport would continue at the high school, as well as higher levels. When thinking of the phrase, “Friday Night Lights,” lots of people’s minds are drawn to the football players as well as football games. However, there are many other groups involved that bring even more excitement to high school football games. Yet, many of those seasons were put to a halt due to the virus.
Nearing the week of the first football game, the dance team, and the marching band, were informed that they would not be able to perform at the upcoming football games.
Cameron Crawford, a senior at the high school, has been involved in the drumline in the marching band for the past four years. Crawford loves that band has been such a creative outlet for him over the years. When he heard that the marching band would not be allowed to play at the games, Crawford said, “The initial news...was frustrating, disappointing, and just generally sad.” Crawford mostly wanted to have something fun and stable his senior year since, in Covid times, everything is continuously changing.
Another senior at Saline High School, Gianna Lepore, has been a part of the Saline Varsity Dance Team for all four years of her high school career. Along with the rest of the team, Lepore, considers dance to be a big part of her life. Unlike the football team, the dance team’s season was put on pause this fall. Similarly to Crawford, Lepore described hearing that they would not be able to perform as “disappointing.” Nora Flaharty, a junior on the team, said that one of her favorite parts of being on the team is performing at the football games. Though there are other aspects to the dance team, it would be hard to have your favorite part taken away, as many of the girls had.
The dance team and band were devastated with the news that they would not be able to perform at the games, yet there was a change in the state rules a few weeks later. The dance team and the band were informed that they would be able to perform at the upcoming football games, due to a new MHSAA ruling. These two groups had their seasons flipped around instantly.
The dance team was thrilled with this change of rules. Lea Alderink, a sophomore on the team, described getting word of these new rules as “such an excitement for the team.”
Flaharty described her emotions when hearing the news as: “surprised, overjoyed, and excited.” The rest of the girls all felt the same way and could not wait to get back out there doing what they love. Lepore said she thinks the dance team brings another source of entertainment to the games. She also loves that they go hand in hand with the band, since the dance team often dances to their music; they compliment each other. For these reasons, among many others, the dance team was so excited to bring the fans the entertainment they have had in the past.
The members of the band felt overwhelmed with joy and relief too when they heard that they could perform again. They also were very excited to have something to look forward to again after so much devastation.
Although Covid is still very real, people are glad that things like this can bring some normalcy back to our lives. In addition to this, the band and dance team, specifically, are beyond grateful to be back at the games to bring more aspects of entertainment to Friday nights. Fans, too, are very pleased to have these groups back in order to have all aspects of the football season as normal as they can be in these stressful times.