I’m struggling to manage all my homework, tests, and extracurricular activities. Especially as the year comes to an end I’ve been very overwhelmed. Any ideas to help my stress and manage everything better?
As someone who is often very busy, time management is such an important skill to have. Try to devote some time for homework or studying without distraction each day. That way, you can focus on extracurricular activities or relax too. Don’t forget to take care of yourself if you are feeling stressed; reach out to friends or take some self-care time. Keep up the good work because the end of the year is only some weeks away!
What is the easiest way to make new friends or reach out to someone?
I think that sports, clubs, classes, and other activities are great ways to meet new people. Start conversations with the people you see everyday in these places. In the process, you may also discover something you’re really interested in or passionate about. Don’t be afraid to reach out!
Are AP classes actually worth it?
I would say yes, but it also depends on the person. AP classes are great if you are looking for more of a challenge or faster paced class, especially if it’s a subject you already do well in. Not only do AP classes sometimes allow you to get a college credit, but they also provide you with really great information and learning opportunities. However, AP classes require a lot of work and can be difficult for some to keep up with. If you’re up to try it, go for it!
I’m worried other people will judge me if I am my true self, what do I do?
Be the person that you want to be, despite what others may think. It is most important that you stay true to yourself and pursue your personal goals and dreams. If someone does not respect you for who you are, then that person is not worth your time. Don’t be afraid to stand out and be different if you are expressing yourself!