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Carly Hiner

Advice Column- Vol. 2 Issue 2

How does one stop procrastinating?

In order to stop procrastinating, you should try to find what you like about whatever you have to do. For example, even the completion of a task can be satisfying and contribute to your initial enjoyment. It is important to find something you like about what you are doing because that creates motivation to finish.

You can also try creating little checkpoints throughout the work you have to do and reward yourself after you reach each checkpoint.

Is there anything the school can do to help us feel better about current events?

The only thing that the school can do to help us is to try to expand our knowledge on current events and by staying impartial and teaching us about what is going on so that you can form your own opinions. Current events are also not something that everyone is going to feel good about, but staying up to date on everything that is going on is a start.

How to deal with siblings that are constantly annoying?

Try to express your concern to your sibling. Communicating how you feel to them is a big part in building a stronger relationship with them and can help prevent them from wanting to annoy you. If that doesn’t work, take it to a parent or guardian. Even though you might be tattling on them, it can help fix the situation, even just temporarily. While you may have little influence over your siblings, your parent or guardian is the person with the most influence and can really help your sibling understand that what they are doing is very bothersome.

Should I join a team sport?

It never hurts to try it. If you don’t like playing a team sport there are other options for you. By testing the waters with team sports, you can really discover what you like and if team sports are the best path for you.

I’m taking my first AP and it’s harder than I expected. How can I do better in the class?

To do better in your AP class, try to find a good study group. If you have a study group, there are people in the group with similar questions that you may have. Figuring those problems out together can help with understanding the material.

Ask questions during class if you are confused about something. I promise no one is going to judge you if you raise your hand because chances are that people in your class have the same question. You could even stay after class to ask the teacher any additional questions you have that you would rather ask one-on-one.

It’s hard to eat healthy when I have such a busy schedule. How do I eat healthier, but in a timely way?

Try to start by packing yourself some fruits and vegetables for you to snack throughout the day. These are easy to bring and there is little to no preparation for it which means it won’t take up too much of your time. And the meals that don’t require as much time for preparation can sometimes be healthier. By eating more straight-up fruits or vegetables, it can save a lot of time within your busy schedule.

I decided to take two APs this year because I thought I could handle it, but I’ve been struggling a lot. How do I manage both?

Start by planning your afternoons out and by making a homework schedule that works around extracurriculars. This plan should consist of all homework and activities and the approximate time that it will take to finish each item on the list. By planning out your afternoon, you can see everything that you have to do which can help you rationalize your thoughts of not being able to complete all of your homework in one night.

This kid I sit next to keeps talking trash about our teacher, and it bothers me because our teacher is actually really nice and a good teacher. What should I do?

I think you should go to the teacher right away and politely ask them to move you to a different spot in the room. You can try to explain the way that you feel around the student and how it may or may not be helping your educational environment.

We’ve been talking a lot about impeachment in class lately. How do I talk about my views without offending people, or getting others mad at me?

When speaking about the impeachment, try to do it in a tone of voice that does not come off as aggressive. Classrooms are also a space where you are allowed to voice your opinions. If the people that are opposing your opinion can share their opinion without sounding crazy to you, you can do the same. But being aggressive and starting an argument is not the way to go about it.

I’m a sophomore, and I’ve already been counting the days until school is over. Is this healthy?

If it does not feel healthy to you then you should stop the countdown. But in some cases, a countdown can be motivation, depending on how you look at the end result. If you want the countdown calendar to be a positive motivator, you can make it one by looking at it more positively and thinking about it in a positive way rather than a negative one.

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